Friday, December 21, 2007

love it? it?...or not.

we went to cold stone last night. to get ice cream. one might wonder why ice cream sounded like a good idea when it was 25 degrees outside, but i was consoled that we weren't the only crazy fools in there!

however, the sales clerk/ice cream scooper that's all i can say. first, as we are pondering the infinite choices available in our ice cream creations, he asks if we have any allergies. still looking at the flavor and topping choices, we say no, no allergies. suddenly, tiny spoons with unidentified flavors are shoved in our faces. the husband gets dark chocolate peppermint (which, yes, we were both eyeing, but had not asked for) and i got some kind of coconut sorbet thing...which i did NOT ask for or really enjoy. however, it seemed rude to just drop the little spoon into the used spoon bucket with ice cream still on it. then, injecting himself too much into our conversation, he shoved the dark chocolate peppermint at me, too. granted, i was going to ask for it...but i was going to ask for it anyway. and, being the eco-guilt ridden person that i am, i didn't want to waste one little plastic spoon in the first place...much less a second when i already knew what i wanted. and, i didn't ask for his help. blech.

so, the husband and i made our orders and when i ordered the chocolate the oh-so-helpful ice cream guy said he liked the "white one" better. i went into kind of evasive, minimal small talk until we could get the heck out of that store! i deflected every suggestion he made, but he kept trying to engage. he said something like "i think your order could be even better if you added peanut butter." i said something like "um, don't you dare, crazy ice cream man." well, it was something more like "hmm. that sounds interesting. but, i think i'll stick to chocolate today." then, he got this crazy gleam in his eyes and mumbled "oh, but i like to dream up new creations and let you try them." then, he handed me my ice cream...with yet ANOTHER mini-spoon with peanut butter on it stuck in the top!!!

it still felt rude to throw the little spoon away with the peanut butter on it...but, i did consider throwing it AT him! i mean, i didn't. but, i was ticked about the assault on my ice cream. though, it seems like this guy loves his job. the husband said he wants people to love their jobs...just not that much. maybe this is just what i get for wanting ice cream when it's 25 degrees outside.

1 comment:

KB(T) said...

I find it interesting that he asked you about allergies. I wonder if people have used the allergy excuse with him in the past, in order to minimize his thrusting of tiny flavor spoons at them?