Friday, November 30, 2007

finals time...

so, it's finals time. i'm only taking one class this semester, but it has an intense final and a final paper. those are the only two grades for the class, so i figure i ought to study hard for the final and write a pretty kickin' paper. i'm trying to intersperse finals stuff with fun stuff, so i'm watching a little West Wing here and there, doing a little decorating for Christmas, cooking good dinners (or appreciating the husband cooking good dinners), organizing my craft space, and hanging out with friends. oh...and tomorrow i'm going to a Christmas parade nearby. and i get to go give the devotional at the camp committee meeting tomorrow and then be the liturgist at a church service tomorrow night. i'm also writing a couple of advent devotions. it's good to have things other than just school going on.

some kind and generous friends recently gave me their hand me down digital camera and i am very, very grateful (though they keep making a point to tell me how crappy it is!). so, i hope to figure out how to download my pictures and have some funny stories up for you soon with photos! we'll see...that might have to wait until after this exam and the paper are done.

only one more semester of school! god willing! anyway, more interesting posts to come soon.

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